Federico Fuga

Engineering, Tech, Informatics & science

The dbus-cpp Library, introduction

28 Nov 2015 22:33 UTC C++ Code Linux
While working on a bluetooth based embedded device, I needed to deal with the somehow infamous dbus. [DBus](https://wiki.freedesktop.org/www/Software/dbus/) and [Bluez5](http://www.bluez.org/) have a very steep learning curve, and if you are don't have access to either [Qt framework](https://www.qt.io/) or [glib framework](https://developer.gnome.org/glib/), you have indeed a problem. Glib are very complex C libraries that mimick some of the built-in feature of the C++ language, while on the other hand, Qt are very vast and sometime a big overkill. Continue reading

Pairing Bluetooth with no pin on Intel Edison

10 Aug 2015 15:30 UTC Code Embedded
It may seems strange for an IoT enabled device, but there's no obvious way to pair an Intel Edison through Bluetooth without accessing the shell. I spent different hours to do something that with Bluez4 took at most 4 minutes, including the research on Google. Here's what I did. Edison provides Bluez5 that reworks most of the tools using DBUS, so to make two quite frequent actions, like pairing a device without providing user intervention on the device, and registering a new bluetooth RFCOMM service, you need to interface with it, that isn't so obvious from C or C++. Continue reading

Fixing problems with Ubuntu 13.04 and VmWare Tools

21 Aug 2013 09:51 UTC Linux Vmware
Installing Ubuntu on my VmWare fusion box has never been so difficult as it was last weeks, when I needed to have it ready as soon as possible. Though 12.04 LTS has been proved to be a great choice when you need a solid rock linux box, latest Ubuntu boxes are preferable, on my opinion, for development purpose. This way, switching to the latest, bleeding edge kernel hasn’t gone well for the people at VmWare. Continue reading

TouchWiz and the onOffsetChanged missing call

11 Jul 2013 17:38 UTC Android Code
I am currently working on a Live Wallpaper project for a customer. Interestingly, I found that though my app works perfectly on different devices - I have a Nexus7, Nexus10, a Galaxy Tab p1010, different chinese allWinner devices, and a Note II phone - my wallpaper can’t scroll when the screen is swiped on some Samsung Device. Usually to detect the swiping on a Live Wallpaper, you use the[ WallpaperService.Engine.onOffsetChanged](http://developer.android.com/reference/android/service/wallpaper/WallpaperService.Engine.html#onOffsetsChanged(float, float, float, float, int, int)), i. Continue reading

Flashing an AllWinner device via LiveSuit from Windows 8

10 Apr 2013 13:46 UTC AllWinner Windows
Flashing an AllWinner device using the LiveSuit tool from Windows 8 isn’t as obvious as it seems. First, as usual with a new operating system, not all drivers works and you must find the “right” version. Second, as the previous issue wasn’t enough, with Windows 8 isn’t possible without some trick to install an “unsigned” driver. “unsigned” driver means a device driver that isn’t approved by Microsoft; on previous Windows versions, when installing an unsigned driver Windows asked for approval to the user. Continue reading

Annoying crapware on Java Updates (a.k.a. Ask.com toolbar)

26 Mar 2013 12:28 UTC Windows
Tired of this annoying ask.com toolbar being installed every time Java gets updated? Here’s the solution: Open a notepad, copy-and-paste this code and save it on a file called “disable_java_sponsors.reg”. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft] "SPONSORS"="DISABLE" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft] "SPONSORS"="DISABLE" Then double-click on the new file, answer “yes” to the question about merging the registry and say bye to these annoying crapware. Next time you update Java, the ask.com bar (and eventually all other sponsored tools) should be disabled and not installed. Continue reading

Building AllWinner Android Firmwares

27 Feb 2013 11:33 UTC AllWinner
Foreword _This is a work-in-progress post. I'll periodically update this page with new informations, tweaks and tools, because I wanted a single page to collect all the valuable informations about this theme. _ Introduction The AllWinner A10 platform is a relatively new System-on-chip (SoC) product developed by a Chinese Company. His strength point is certainly the low cost compared to computation power and peripheral integration. The A10 SoC is based on Cortex-A8 ARM core, and provides a Mali-400 GPU on chip. Continue reading
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